Peace and Science go together!
December 12, 2022
The SCIENCE4PEACE Summit gathers eminent Scientists and Executives within the international Life Science Sector to support and welcome Ukrainian scientists into an European and Global scientific solidary, while simultaneously exploring the topic
How Science enhances Peace (and vice versa).
The scientific focus of the summit will be
"Future of Healthcare" and "BioConvergence".
Program Highlights
Evening of December 11
Welcome Reception
Day of December 12
Welcoming Remarks
Mrs. Anna König Jerlmyr, Supervisory Board, World Economic
Forum’s Net Zero Carbon City, Former Mayor of Stockholm
Future of Healthcare
Dr. Tim Opler, Partner & Co-founder, Torreya Partners
Precision Medicine
Dr. Mathias Uhlén, Professor in Human Microbiology, KTH
Dr. Jenni Nordborg, Life Science Coordinator, Government Offices of Sweden
Dr. Thomas Sakmar, Professor, The Rockefeller University
Company Presentations
Hot Chairs regarding Tomorrow's Healthcare
Moderator: Dr. Björn Arvidsson, Managing Director, STUNS Life science
Ms. Sana Alajmovic, CEO, Sigrid Therapeutics
Ms. Cecilia Edebo, CEO, CELLINK
Gene Therapy
Keynote: Dr. Emmanuelle Charpentier, Scientific & Managing Director, Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens, Nobel Prize laureate
Moderator: Ms. Miranda Edner, Retail Leader Nordics, Amazon Web Services
Mr. Ola Rosling, CEO, Gapminder Foundation
Dr. Florence Haseltine, Professor, University of Texas at Arlington
Dr. Yuval Binur, Managing Partner, Arsuf Global Partners
Future of Medicine according to Bill
Dr. William A. Haseltine, Professor, President of ACCESS Health International
“Peace is our Gift to each other”
Mr. Bruno Cohen, Chairman, The Galien Foundation
Evening of December 12
Gala Dinner
Reception in the Gold Room
Gala Dinner in the Baroque Hall
Peace Prize
Piano Performance, Magnus Mårtensson
Musical Performance, Maria Sur
Saint Lucia Choir